Self(ish) Confidence

[263] [INTERVIEW] Matrescence and Mothershift w/ Jessi Harold

Jess Clerke Episode 263

Ever wondered how motherhood can transform not just your life, but your entire sense of identity? Author and former doula Jessi Harold joins us to explore the profound journey into matrescence—a term that captures the sweeping changes women navigate as they embrace motherhood. Jessie draws from her own experiences to share the emotional challenges and societal pressures that accompany this transition. Together, we shed light on the importance of open discussions about these shifts, enabling women to recognize and embrace their evolving identities.

We also dive into the often-ambivalent feelings surrounding the decision to start a family, even for those with a background in childbirth. The conversation tackles societal narratives that either glorify or challenge motherhood, stressing the need to acknowledge this duality. Through Jessi's candid insights, we highlight how embracing both the joys and struggles of motherhood fosters maturity and wisdom, preparing women for leadership roles in an increasingly complex world. Our aim is to normalize mixed emotions and reduce the stigma around them, encouraging a more nuanced conversation about the realities of motherhood.

Her book, "Mothershift," offers a guide to navigating these changes, and we celebrate the magic of motherhood's journey. Join us for an enriching exchange that promises to leave you feeling inspired and more confident in your own unique path.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Selfish Confidence, a place where we can connect and be real about how hard it is to be your damn self. My name is Jess and my goal is to help you build confidence and belief in yourself to live any life path you want, even if it's unconventional. It's time to flip off societal pressures and connect with women who've also felt on the outside by their life choices. We're here to encourage you to grab the mic and speak your truth. I know it can be scary, but we're in this together. Let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Selfish Confidence Podcast. It's Jess here and I have another Jess here, which is a really fun thing to have. I love when we have like multiple Jesses, like we come from the era of the Jessicas, right. So I have my new friend, jessie Harold here, the author of Mother Shift. How are you doing, sis?

Speaker 3:

I'm great. Thank you so much for having me on. This is pretty exciting.

Speaker 2:

It is so exciting. I heard about your book from my friend, ashley Cooley, with Birth, baby Sleep, and when she was like, oh, you got to talk to Jesse and I was like, okay, I don't even know what being a mom is or what that is or what's happening, or what's happening to my body, all of these things. But I felt as soon as I opened up Mothershift that I had been seen in a way that I hadn't really allowed myself to be seen through this journey, I think. Sometimes I think my way of thinking is weird and it's not the norm. But then when I was reading your book, I said, okay, I think it might be the norm for all of us. We're all thinking this way and we're just not talking about it. So can you tell us a little bit about your journey, jessie, and your journey with writing Mothershift?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally. So I guess the big picture journey started about 17 years ago when I became a doula and I have done that work supporting mothers and then also am a coach for people who are going through all kinds of life transitions as well, and so that's kind of been my professional journey. And then I became a mother myself 13 years ago and you know, if you're doing the math, you can hear in that story that I was a doula before I was a mother and I think that sort of was the first catalyst for me in writing this book about the transition to motherhood, because, as I approached my own motherhood, a lot of the questions that people normally have about this journey, especially in these times when you and I are talking, you're at the end of your pregnancy, especially during those kind of tender weeks and months it's all about the birth. You know. It's about this kind of like pretty small, hopefully quite small amount of time in your life that takes up a lot of bandwidth, you know, and, having attended births for a few years, at that point when I became pregnant with my eldest child, those weren't really my questions, because I'd been to a lot of births, I'd helped people breastfeed, I'd helped change diapers, I'd done a lot of these things, and so my questions were all about what's going to happen to me, like to who I am, and I think that's sort of what originally oriented me towards this overall question that I talk about in Mothershift, which is about matrescence, which is the fancy word that we use for the two to three year long transition into motherhood.

Speaker 3:

That is biological, psychological, cultural, it's economic, it's spiritual. It kind of impacts the entire ecosystem of our lives. And so those were the questions that I was asking back then and they really kind of shaped then the rest of my motherhood journey as well as the rest of my career and the way that I wanted to work with mothers, exploring this, and so that's sort of like the long arc of the writing of Mothershift. And it became particularly urgent for me really to get this work out into the world, because matricence is becoming a more common term. More and more people are hearing it. We're kind of growing some awareness and that's awesome. And my work around matricence is not just that it happens like that it's a thing, but how it happens and how it over again, and but nobody can really pinpoint how you're going to be a new person or what that new person is going to be.

Speaker 2:

And, as someone who's done a lot of work in the confidence space for women, it's just like, okay, like, but I'm pretty, I'm pretty cool with who I am right now and you talk about that for yourself and your book and you're just like I'm going to become a new person. I hope I like them, and that can be really scary too. So, like what do women do through this process of being told over and over again that they're going to be new, brand new? But like what if they don't?

Speaker 3:

want to. Yeah, yeah, totally. It's funny, the way that it's sort of of shared with us, I think often with new mothers or expectant mothers, is like it almost sounds a little ominous, doesn't it? Like you're going to change, everything is going to change, and I and I you know, I'm sure, as you've read in the book, like I don't mince my words, like I'm, you know it's it's not always changes that are super welcome or that come bidden, you know, and I think we need to be honest about that, because what we're steeped in, and I think part of this I don't know about you, but when people tell me, oh, this is going to happen, like you're going to change dramatically, oh, this is going to happen, like you're going to change dramatically, my response to that, as a fairly headstrong, kind of happy with my life right now thanks very much person was no, I won't, not me, like maybe everybody else, but certainly not me. And you know, surprise, surprise, and you know, surprise, surprise, like it does change us. And I think so.

Speaker 3:

We've got this cultural narrative that says that you shouldn't change in motherhood, you should bounce back, you know, you should get back to normal. We encourage mothers, you know, get out of the house, do the things you love to do, all of these things which, in the right doses, at the right times, can be great advice, you know. Get out of the house, do the things you love to do, all of these things which, in the right doses, at the right times, can be great advice, you know. But in our culture, as with many things, it becomes a little pathologic, right, and we're fighting to return to that person that is no longer. She just doesn't exist.

Speaker 3:

Here's the thing that's hopefully a little less ominous, that we forget to tell mothers, which is, I think, you are going to like the person you become, because we become someone entirely new and when we're well supported in that process, we uncover parts of ourselves either that we didn't know were there, or parts of ourselves that our culture, in many ways, has kind of asked us to make quiet or make small, you know.

Speaker 3:

And there's potential there, and I say potential because you've probably already noticed, and people listening to this, if you're mothers, know that motherhood is steeped in these messages about what a good mother is or a perfect mother, and how you should be, and what you should and shouldn't do, and all of this stuff. So I mean we're swimming against the tide in a lot of ways to become the most authentic, powerful versions of ourselves in motherhood. And also like the time is right for it. Right, and that's why I say like we need to be well supported in this, because the culture will draw us away from ourselves, it'll draw us into that kind of perfect mother mold and, you know, pull us away from our inner knowing. But again, this time is just ripe for becoming more of who you are actually.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and I like that perspective a lot more than that fear mongering of like you're going to change.

Speaker 2:

Just you wait.

Speaker 2:

And I thought one of the things you talked about in your book too was like and this was surprising to me, knowing you're a doula, knowing that you kind of know the things that are going to happen that a lot of us don't know right, like I don't know what's going to happen in that birth room I've never been in a birth room before.

Speaker 2:

We're going in blind but you knew those things and you still had hesitations with starting a family. Your husband was ready and you were just like I don't know if I want to step into this, and I really related to that because I never wanted kids and it took a lot of deep-rooted work for me to be open to starting a family. Like I had to do a lot, and I think that that is kind of the norm right now for a lot of women, because we've been told almost only the horror stories or like, oh, it's just so beautiful, look at this cute baby I made, but I'm not getting any sleep and all these things right. What do you think needs to change for us to be more open to this, like what changed for you in order to be more open to it, to starting a family, I should say.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know if I have a very pretty answer for you. Really, that's okay Because, you know, because I think a decision like that is such an imperfect process, I didn't have this moment where I was like, yep, sign me up. I am suddenly, you know, doing this and maybe for people who haven't read the book, I'll give a little context that you know I did have a. I mean I still have a very rich life, but I had a very cool life, Three kids.

Speaker 3:

I was a scuba instructor traveling the world, like all of these really neat things, and was pretty ambivalent about having kids. But particularly I had had two experiences of supporting other mothers who had really really painful postpartum times and I think that kind of gave me pause and kind of opened my eyes to what happens beyond the birth room in a kind of a different way. And you know, I think I mean so. Ultimately, for me the decision was like, yes, I, you know I do have two children, but I think it's complex and I remember being like 32 weeks pregnant with my first child and I went for coffee with a person who's she's my best friend and she went on after that conversation to become a midwife, not because of that conversation, but shortly afterwards maybe you inspired her.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, but she says she'll never forget it. Because I was 32 weeks pregnant. She was asking you know how's it going? You must be so excited. And I felt comfortable enough with her to say I really don't know. I am pretty worried about this. And I wasn't really talking about the birth at that point Because, again, like you know you know, I mean birth is not predictable. I did not know how it would unfold, but I was so worried about what would happen to me and and I was really ambivalent and she said that in hearing me, it gave her permission to feel ambivalence when she then got pregnant with her first child a few years later.

Speaker 3:

So I think it's like it's talking about it that's so important and we sort of lessen the shame of these complex feelings by just naming them. And I think there's something here that is just kind of filled with potential, which is that motherhood invites us into a comfort with paradox and complexity that is unlike many other life experiences. We kind of get initiated into the ability to hold the both and this kind of so, as you talked about, there's this kind of dichotomy in the stories about motherhood. There's the sort of like you know, milk, drunk smiles, the like, you know whatever sunlit fields and cookies after school or whatever. It is this idealized version where we're all very grateful and, you know, hashtag, blessed. And then there's this other version that is like, so challenging and we're stepping on Legos and we haven't slept in a year and whatever. And the irony here is that motherhood is always, always both of those things all at the same time, every single moment of every single day, and that's hard to wrap your head around, especially pre-motherhood. It's a bit hard for our culture to wrap its collective head around because we like dichotomies, we like things to be one way or the other.

Speaker 3:

The cool thing about this initiation that we get in motherhood, in this ability to hold paradox, is that when we look to the field of adult development psychology, so like the way that we learn and grow and evolve as adults, one of the key markers of maturity, and like wisdom and eldership, is the ability to hold paradox and complexity. So this is one of them. I talk about quite a few of these things in the book where motherhood initiates us into these skills and capacities that actually make us mature humans more capable of leadership and eldership and, you know, increasing our capacity to live in this increasingly complex world. So, yeah, isn't it interesting that we persist at, you know, trying to kind of make motherhood one or the other thing, and yet, you know, there's this huge potential here for us to realize that this is one of the most paradoxical, complex experiences in our human existence.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. When you lay it out like that, because we often only see one or the other, it's like, yeah, you see the cute babies. That, because we often only see one or the other, it's like, yeah, you see the cute babies. Or you see the not so cute moments of motherhood.

Speaker 2:

And I think I focus too deeply on like the not so cute moments and I think a lot of us do right Because you hear people like to scare you again and they'll be like just wait, just wait, just wait, and you see only those harder pieces.

Speaker 2:

And it makes a lot of women fearful of this process, and I think that's why I appreciated Mother Shift focusing away from the difficulties and obviously also highlighting that it's not going to be beautiful all the time, but like focusing more on that journey that I'm taking and who I'm becoming, versus just like poopy diapers and sleepless nights. And I think that that's what's so special about this book being different and you laying it out so nicely for us to feel seen is just something totally new. And I'd love to know how writing this book supported your own journey. Like was there anything through writing this book that you were just like? Oh, like I can see things differently, for myself, too, cause you are a person who does a lot of research, and I'm so grateful for that, cause I don't and so having someone like you do it and lay it in a book like this is so wonderful. So how has this, just like, opened your eyes to a new way of being?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's a couple layers to this question. The first is so I have another book as well that I wrote back in 2019, called Project Body Love the Quest to Love my Body, and the Surprising Truth I Found Instead and I found out the hard way in that book that when you publish a book so this is my belief, anyways my experience the universe kind of says like, hey, experience, the universe kind of says like, hey, you want to talk about this in this big, big, big way? There's big, big, big energy around that. And what happened to me when I published that book? You know, it's all about loving my body or not loving my body and coming to peace with that.

Speaker 3:

And two weeks after I published it, I had a major health crisis that had me like really reorienting my whole relationship with my body for the next three years. And like I can't help but see that that was a was it a coincidence? I don't know. It was sort of like you want to be an expert in this, you want to, or or you know, I, I guess in that book I never professed to be an expert, but like you want to like put this much energy into this topic. Well, we're going to we're.

Speaker 3:

We're going to make sure you're prepared to stand behind it you know, yeah, so, so when I started writing Mother Shift, I sort of expected the same kind of thing and and, and you know, the same thing happened in its own way, right, I, I have gone through a couple of my own real firewalks with motherhood in the last four or five years, and I think a lot of us have, with the pandemic, it's been a rough couple of years for moms and and, yeah, you know, my kids are nine and 13 now, um, and and we've had a really challenging couple of years and and they've, they've, they've made me in so many ways and I think, like, maybe this book I don't know if I wrote this book from that perspective, it's almost more like that perspective came and I was able to add it to the book, like that it's so challenging and it has so much potential and it's almost like you can't have one without the other.

Speaker 3:

And I don't say that to mean that we shouldn't support mothers and that we shouldn't work to change systems of oppression that affect mothers and that we shouldn't make things better. But motherhood has always been hard, you know. It's always been inherently transformative, from the time that humans started giving birth, right Like it's. Yes, there's all these conditions of our modern culture, but it's always been an initiation and it comes with challenges and it's those challenges that also then create the strengths that we have. And so, yeah, I've gone on this parallel journey with this book and it's been wild and I also feel now, like having been through my own matrescence times and then having been through these massive upheavals in our family life and in, you know, my, my kids lives, that I can stand really strongly and what I say here I really stand behind it and feel really unshakable in where I stand now as a mother and in my mothering identity.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah yeah. It doesn't surprise me that there is some magic that happens when you release a book and you're just like, oh cool, I thought I was just going to put that out there and people are going to buy it and be impacted. I guess I am also going to be impacted, cool. Thanks for that lesson universe.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if this happens with other people, but I don't know. I'm two for two now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, any other books on the horizon we'll find out if this is a you thing or if this is an everyone thing.

Speaker 3:

I know it makes me a little nervous. I do have another couple of books on the horizon. I'm like, oh God, what's going to happen? The lessons are coming. Yeah, totally.

Speaker 2:

Can you tell us a bit about the four elements of radical transformation that you talk about in your book and how having this information for women can really help them to step into their journey of motherhood? I want to say with more ease, but just in general, probably because I think even knowing them for me was helpful. I don't know if it's going to make it easier, though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, you know, hopefully, yeah, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

I'll let you know, Jessie.

Speaker 3:

I'll let you know, yeah please do, please do, you can road test it. Well, we've been road testing it for a long time now with mothers. So the four elements of radical transformation are this model that I created to describe the kind of the arc of the process of matricence, of the process of matricence, and I actually so. I first developed this model to work with mothers and matricence because that was kind of my main gig at the time, but I've since kind of expanded it so it's actually applicable to any transformation that we go through. And hopefully, you know there's this idea of meta skills right, that when we learn how to do something once, we sort of you know we take these kind of wider skills and capacities and carry it into future experiences. So I'm hoping, you know, in many ways, if we're able to traverse matricence with more ease, maybe the next transformation that you go through in your life you'll have some tools and resources at your fingertips. So the four elements you know I talked about before how we kind of know that matricence is a thing, but we don't necessarily know how it happens. So that's what the four elements is about. And the four elements are earth, water, air and fire. So I'll kind of go over them briefly to describe how they work.

Speaker 3:

So earth is the first element, and this is a time of really orienting to everything that has changed in your life, because our lives are ecosystems and so when one part of that ecosystem changes, everything else changes too. It's like a domino effect, right. So you have a baby and all of a sudden your partnership doesn't feel the same, your relationship with your body is different. Maybe you feel different about your career or the place you live or your family or your friends. Like the ripple effect is huge and it's really overwhelming.

Speaker 3:

And so earth is just about kind of getting grounded, getting your toes in the earth of what's true for you now, like noticing and naming everything that has changed. And it seems deceptively simple, but it's pretty powerful. And I kind of liken the earth phase to when you're lost in. When you're like lost in the woods, they tell you don't go crashing around looking for the trail, like sit down and take stock of your surroundings. So that's what earth is all about. We get a lot of messages from our culture that say go look for the trail, like find the new normal, go back to work, visit your friend, like whatever you're going to do, get your body, back, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 3:

No no, we got to sit down, takes, talk. Then we move into water and water is the element of grief, release, letting go. It also kind of encompasses all of those really maybe ambivalent feelings about motherhood, even rage and anger feelings about motherhood, even rage and anger. You know it's the washing away, that watery work of the person that you are no longer so. Any time of change in our lives asks us to become someone new and to let go of an old version of ourselves. And you know, even if that change is really positive like motherhood is for many people, we have grief and you're allowed to grieve. You're allowed to miss your old self and all of the things that you used to be able to do, and you're allowed to have big feelings about that. And that's what water is.

Speaker 3:

Air is the element of liminal space, the in-between, where we say everything is up in the air, like I don't know who I am anymore. I have a baby in my house and I look after it, but I don't feel fully embodied in this identity, I don't feel integrated in this identity as mother, and it's really uncomfortable, as is water. These are the two most uncomfortable phases Because we have a culture that prides us on having goals and having an identity, a strong sense of ourselves and where we're headed, and hopefully it's upward and forward and all of know excuse me all of those good things. And so the liminal space is the opposite of any of that and it can be tough for that reason. There's a lot of potential there. And then we move into fire, and fire is, you know, what everybody wants to skip to, which is this time when you start to really explore who you're becoming and you kind of kindle those embers that have been growing and really start to explore who you are now. And so that's kind of the overarching process, and there are tools and resources and practices that you can do at every step along the way to kind of, you know, I liken it to being like trail markers.

Speaker 3:

On a trail I hike a lot and I sometimes get myself a little lost, or I think that I'm lost and I'm walking along and I'm like I think that's the trail, but I don't know. And just when I'm starting to worry and thinking I need to get out my compass or something, I'll look up and see a trail marker and it's just like, oh, my God, the relief of it. Okay, I'm here, I'm still on the trail. You know I'm not at the end yet, but I have something to orient to and that's how I hope the four elements feel. They're not like a recipe for becoming a mother, because this is going to look different for everybody and it's going to take different amounts of time for everybody, but it's like a trail marker that says, hey, if this is how you're feeling right now, here are some things that might help.

Speaker 3:

And also always, this is normal, like that's kind of what you know. The implicit sort of idea behind all of mother shift is like all of this is normal. The messy parts, the complex parts, it's normal. It doesn't mean don't get help. It doesn't mean that you know that this isn't hard, but it's normal. It doesn't mean don't get help. It doesn't mean that you know that this isn't hard, but it's normal.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes we just need that permission slip to see like it's normal. Yeah, it doesn't feel normal and you feel like the weirdo, and especially where people aren't talking about it, you just feel lost and alone. And I felt that a lot through pregnancy too, I think. Obviously I don't have the baby, so I don't know what's going to happen after this. But like pregnancy too, that journey through growing a human very much feels similar, with these elements of just like new identity and shifting into something new, and we just want to get to that fire stage. And for me, that fire stage would hopefully be like not vomiting anymore, but we're not there yet.

Speaker 2:

So we're just someday hoping for the fire stage and in the Amazon Prime society that we live in of just like next day, snap, snap, snap. Like we want it now. And knowing that it takes time and you talk in your book about like two to three years of this time and this process that it takes for us to learn this new version of ourselves, almost is really nice to have that permission slip of like okay, it's going to take more time than you know two weeks or a 12 week maternity leave or whatever you're going to take time off of Like don't they tell you to do nothing for like 40 days? What a joke. Like 40 days is such a short period of time. Like to imagine going through all of this in that time. So it's just nice to know that this stuff takes time and it's normal. So I love that. Jessie, if you could give people listening one piece of advice for their shift into motherhood and their shift to anything in life, what would it be?

Speaker 3:

to anything in life, what would it be? I think really it's what we just said, Like I think the biggest message here is about time and permission and like patience, I guess, is sort of the thing that comes out of that right that becoming a new version of yourself does take time. It's also worth the time it takes, Because I think what I see a lot of is, you know, feeling the pressure to kind of like bypass this whole process and get to the part where we feel like I don't know, moms feel like whatever this new version of ourself is, and there's a lot of richness that we leave behind, a lot of potential, a lot of growth that we leave behind when we do that. And so it's hard and obviously get support. We are not meant to do this alone and it's normal and it takes time and you'll get there. You will, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I like even just hearing that it's worth it. Yeah, it's going to take a long time, but like it's going to be worth it. And I appreciate that because, yeah, we always think the hard part it's like oh, like I want to get out of this mud as fast as I can please, but the mud can be good for you, so maybe we'll lean into it a bit more. I love that.

Speaker 2:

Where can our listeners find you, connect with you online and get your book. And also just like to note we are like all over North America, so like can people get your book if they're in the States too?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, totally yeah, yeah, so people can find me. My website is jessieheraldcom. I'm on Instagram. I write a monthly newsletter that is not on Substack but in fact its own thing, called Imaginalia, which people really seem to enjoy reading, and you can buy Mothershift everywhere. So it's actually it's published through Shambhala in the States and so you know you can get it at all the usual places and, if folks are listening who are local to you and me, there's also like a number of wonderful indie bookstores and places to pick it up. So just have a little dig around and it should be everywhere.

Speaker 2:

For our local peeps. Can you give them a couple suggestions?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally so. Nurtured is one of the places that has a lovely stock in. It was where I took my little babies when they were young. It's a very special place and Bookmark for sure has copies. They both have signed copies and Chapters, like on both sides of the bridge have them as well, as far as I know, and I think there's a few other places too, but I'm not sure if they're in stock.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I am loving this book and it came at the perfect time for me, where I'm like just stepping into the season and I was like, yeah, I am loving this book and it came at the perfect time for me, where I'm like just stepping into the season and I was like, oh, I didn't know I needed Jesse until I picked up this book and really started to dive into it a bit more because it's been really helpful. I was taking down the Christmas decorations and just like nodding along to all of the pieces and I'm like, yes, like this is what we need and this is what we need more women to know too through this journey. So thank you for creating something so magical. Can I ask you a few questions? I ask that every guest comes on the podcast. Oh, I think so. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Are you ready?

Speaker 2:

Are you ready? I hope so.

Speaker 3:

What's your favorite compliment to receive? Hmm, oh, shoot. Probably has something to do with, like, having done hard work. Because I'm a Capricorn, I see that you worked really hard at that.

Speaker 2:

You did a good job yeah, well, I see you worked really hard at this book and you did a great job. I am enjoying it and even every time you bring like another book, you're like in this book it's quoted and I, like you've read that many books, jessie Like you go, girl, like you go, the research that's in this book. It just blows my mind. So I love it, thank you. What's your favorite thing to do to boost your mood when you're feeling grumpy?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I go for a walk or a cold dip.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, you're a dipper.

Speaker 3:

I'm a dipper. Oh burr, it's like a automatic. Like I go down to the beach in one mood, as like one person, and I come back as a completely different human. It's profound, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good for you. I see everyone doing it now too, this time of year, and I'm like sorry, can't I'm pregnant. Yeah, do you have a song? I see everyone doing it now too, this time of year, and I'm like sorry, can't, I'm pregnant, do?

Speaker 3:

you have a song or a quote that boosts your confidence. Oh, a song or a quote that boosts my confidence. Okay, nobody's going to know this song. It's called Everybody's Got their Something and I can't remember who it's by. It's really old. I think it was from like the Blue Crush soundtrack. I don't even know if people listening or even that's going to date me in the biggest way, but you can all look it up on Spotify.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, oh, do you know what's? Another one is Golden by Jill Scott. I love that one too.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that one either, but I'm going to have to check it out.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm going to picture you like bopping to these songs after we hang up here.

Speaker 2:

I will be. I can't wait. Well, thank you, Jessie, for being here and for sharing your magic with us and just being you and creating what you've created. I just appreciate it so much in this season.

Speaker 3:

Well, thank you so much. I can't wait to hear how this lands when the rubber hits the road in a few weeks and you actually have this little baby, I'll keep you posted.

Speaker 1:

I'll keep you posted, I want to be posted yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited, thanks so much. I wish you all the best.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you so much too, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What's up, sis? I am so glad we could hang out today. If you love this episode, send it to a friend or share it on your social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me sprinkle some confidence in the world. And don't forget you are magic. Let's show the world your shine.

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