Self(ish) Confidence

Speak Up! Speaker Series w/ Jean-Eva Dickie

Jess Clerke Episode 228

It's happening...the second Speak Up!  Speaker is...

Jean-Eva Dickie from the Book of Love Canada!

Friendship and empowerment take center stage as Jean-Eva and I reflect on the sisterhood forged from personal development events, and how that bond blossomed into co-hosting live podcasting events. We delve into the richness of female camaraderie, the beacon that guides us through the labyrinth of entrepreneurship. Wrapped in the warm embrace of community, we celebrate the profound impact women have on each other's lives, an experience that magnifies in the electric atmosphere of our upcoming Speak Up event.

As I eagerly await Speak Up!, I'm filled with excitement as I remember all the amazing planning that's gone into creating this special space of empowerment and friendship. Picture a room buzzing with the chatter of women coming together not just to talk, but to really hear each other and lift each other up. We've put so much thought into every little thing, from the cool VIP hangouts before the main event where new friendships can spark, to picking out the perfect lineup of speakers. Every part of it has been carefully chosen to make sure you feel supported and inspired. Come join us for this sneak peek, a taste of what's to come at an event that's bound to leave you feeling connected, enlightened, and totally ready to take on the world!

Ready to grab your Speak Up! ticket in Halifax, Nova Scotia? Check it all out here.

Connect with Jean-Eva and the Book of Love online.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Selfish Confidence, a place where we can connect and be real about how hard it is to be your damn self. My name is Jess and my goal is to help you build confidence and belief in yourself to live any life path you want, even if it's unconventional. It's time to flip off societal pressures and connect with women who've also felt on the outside by their life choices. We're here to encourage you to grab the mic and speak your truth. I know it can be scary, but we're in this together. Let's get started. Hello, hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Selfish Confidence Podcast. It's Jess here and, as you know, for the month of May, we are announcing all of our speakers for Speak Up, which is really freaking exciting. And what's really even more exciting is this speaker is right beside me drinking some peach tea, hanging out having some lemonade, with no makeup on.

Speaker 2:

With no makeup on Because that's the vibe we're having today.

Speaker 1:

This is like the first time I've done a video with two of us, so it just feels kind of weird. So Janine was saying it's like we're on the Drew Barrymore show, we're like on top of each other. It's cozy, cozy. So I'll just bring Polly down to sit with us.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is like the perfect couch. Let's get real.

Speaker 1:

It's so cozy. I told you it's a bit cat hairy but like it's the coziest place you could live on this couch.

Speaker 2:

Cat hair is happiness really. If you have a cat and there's no cat hair on your couch, there's something wrong, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What we love, like our favorite moment on this couch, is when, like we're all sitting here so typically, like I'll be there and Glenn will be here, and the dog might be at his feet, and then the cat's on the pillow and then another cat comes in cozy and like we're all just on this couch, like that's what we always wanted. Plus we get to look out, like trees, like you live in such a beautiful area and it's so close to the city.

Speaker 1:

It's so great lucky, I love it out here. It was not on our radar at all, but no, I love it, so I'm glad you're here. Welcome to my home, well, thanks for having me? Can you tell, dude? Did I even say who's here?

Speaker 2:

no, you said, yeah, geneva's here. Okay, so you're telling me who's here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah geneva is in the house and I'm so excited that you're going to be one of the speakers at speak up. Oh, I'm going to have so much, we're going to have so much fun.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited that you're doing speak up.

Speaker 1:

Me too. I knew when I was doing this event. I'm like a hundred percent. You know Geneva is going to be one of the speakers, so can you tell everyone about you who you are? What do you do?

Speaker 2:

What's up. So it's so funny because when we go to networking events, you know there's like the elevator pitch. Really, my elevator pitch is hi, I'm Geneva and I'm a matchmaker, and that's all you got to do. People know what that means. People know what that means. But basically, you know, I'm a matchmaker. I've been doing this for six years.

Speaker 2:

We celebrated our six-year march I think it was 18th so successful matchmaking business here on the east coast of canada, and we also do dating coaching, we do um one-on-one matchmaking and we do a ton of singles events here in the city. So and we just expanded up to monkton and the whole new brunswick area. So that is what I business owner. You make people fall in love. I put two people together and make them fall in love, and some of it is a direct introduction to their perfect person, and some of it is teaching them the skills to find their perfect person and some of it is giving them the confidence to be ready for when their perfect person comes along. It's like everybody's journey is different, but that's what we do.

Speaker 1:

Does it feel like you're like a fairy godmother, like magical, just like sprinkling fairy dust on people to make them just be happy?

Speaker 2:

No, but is that what it feels like for you? Yeah, wow, that description has never been had before what I'm going to use that though. No, I picture myself as the fiddler on the roof matchmaker that's going to be old and wrinkly and like, just because you're old and wrinkly, it actually. Matchmaking is literally. There's no ageism in matchmaking. The older and the wrinklier, the gnarlier you are, the more of a great matchmaker you are and the more people trust you.

Speaker 1:

I think so, yeah, yeah. So you're just like just putting in the hours, putting in the reps until you're old.

Speaker 2:

I'm just the meddler. I'm the meddler and like wrinkly and like you're, like I'll I've made it and then basically we have match made. Everybody in halifax and nova scotia, like all couples have been made through us, and then, um, basically when the kids come of age, they're like it's time to go see janina.

Speaker 1:

That's basically what I want it to be, and you'll live out here in the woods with me and we'll like have like a little like hut with beads that you can come in to go see, our husbands are buried under our house. Glenn and.

Speaker 2:

Han aren't going to last that long. No, they won't, no way.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, exactly oh my God, I love it. That's hilarious. Um, I just I'm so excited again that you are one of the speakers and I wanted to tell you a little bit about why I picked Geneva, because every single speaker as you're going to learn throughout this series of us sharing, like they're hand-picked. I did not just like put an application out there and apply to be a speaker. Like, I hand-picked everyone for a reason, and this event is going to be like a room of you hanging out with me and my BFFs, and that's like the best thing ever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the reason I picked Geneva is that it's one of the so many reasons, so many reasons, my good friend, but one of them being because you are so like confident in who you are and in what you do, and I've always admired that energy of you and it just it needs to be something that's in this space Someone who doesn't question their worth, someone who doesn't, doesn't, you know, put their prices at a certain thing, because that's what society tells them to do, like you are you, and the world needs to see that, and the women in this room need to see that more, need examples of that more, and then, even now this year, as you've gone through some life changes like.

Speaker 1:

Geneva got engaged, she had her first baby, and she's been rocking business and motherhood at the same time, and I think you even told me that it was like one of your most successful months was the month after your baby was born. Yeah, and so watching you do both of those things at the same time is just so beautiful and so empowering that we need more examples of that in this world too.

Speaker 2:

Well, my motto is everything's figureoutable. And you know, if we were to stress about, you know how are we going to do something, how is this going to work? What are the plans? It has to be perfectly planned before we even like take a step forward. My motto in business has always been it's figureoutable. So book it, hold yourself accountable, get her done. And it's the same when we moved into you know, getting into a partnership, Things change, right, Like how much effort and time you can put into a business changes because you're putting this person in your life and you're spending a lot of time with them.

Speaker 1:

You mean in a relationship.

Speaker 2:

In a relationship, yeah, and then again, the baby Like a baby, was a huge, huge shift. But you know, a big part of my business as well is choosing the right partnership. So oftentimes people are choosing a partner because it's working, so okay, we might as well give this a go. But when I chose a partner, I was very cognizant of what I wanted for my future. It was marriage and children. And what was that partnership going to look like? To help me on my professional journey as well, right?

Speaker 2:

So when I chose Han and he didn't know what hit him, I beat him over the head and he was mine. He didn't know it, dibs mind, and he's like what, where? Why work it out for him. He's not mad, he's fine. He's fine. He's not like wrapped up in a basement taking care of a baby, um, but um, yeah. So when I chose him, I was really like the family values was really important, so, and there was lots of other guys that I was attracted to and things were working, but like that piece wasn't there. So, yeah, um, but that was the choice that I made and fortunately, everything's figureoutable and we figured it out.

Speaker 1:

He's going back to work in three months, so that's another thing we're gonna have to figure out which is beautiful to watch that piece too, because Geneva went that unconventional route of you know her building her business and her partner being the one who took paternity leave and our American sisters, who are listening to this right now, are just like WTF, like what he got.

Speaker 2:

nine months, nine months paternity leave yeah, so daddy goes away to take care of baby?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's been so beautiful to watch that too, something totally different than what we're used to in this society.

Speaker 2:

And he's loving it too, and it's so actually. I know we're probably not here to talk about this, but it's kind of sad because there's this, uh, there's this.

Speaker 2:

There's this event coming up, where it's like mummies and babies go and, um, I was like, oh Han, you have to go to this and I signed him up and all this stuff and it's not going to happen for this. But there were some comments on the post when I shared it, saying from dads oh well, I went with my baby and they turned me away oh I know, because it was like a women's only thing and I was like, well, I get that, the space being only women's thing.

Speaker 2:

Obviously I understand that, but like the buppas and the babies need need their space too, right, so figuring that out is kind of fun too and yeah, there's not that much for sexism.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for the daddies daddies and babies. Yeah, it's not the typical. Hopefully that's starting to change?

Speaker 2:

I think it is too. We're gonna go to this one next window, wednesday, and I know it's not going to be like that at all, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, daddies and babies, daddies and babies. It's at a coffee shop, so they're called little beans. Oh my gosh, that's so cute. So like mommy and your little beans. So I'm gonna send.

Speaker 1:

Well, he wants to go, but yeah, yeah, that's so cute yeah, yeah I love it, I know yeah, I've been loving watching this journey and it just needs to be shown.

Speaker 2:

More examples of this needs to be shown on stage well, I've had a friend that I was went for a walk with the other day and she and it was so true, having a baby has I thought it was going to halt my business, just because that's what society was telling me yeah but it actually launched it through the roof.

Speaker 2:

Because you have to find other other avenues, you have to hire people, you have to delegate, you have to do those things to prepare for this baby. Plus, you have nine months to prepare for it, right? So that's a lot of time to prepare for something. And my friend that I went for a walk she's thinking about having a baby now too, and she never considered it before. But her friend says the baby brings the money. Oh, yes.

Speaker 2:

Because her friend was this like beautiful ballerina, and she was like, oh my gosh, I can't have a baby. My body is like how I make money but from having a baby.

Speaker 1:

She then started classes and she started like an online dating or not online dating, but an online dance thing and she has now made more as a businesswoman having a baby than she ever did before that's so cool 100 I've heard that that like like fertility process of growing a human, is like creatively the most beautiful thing, like so many ideas and creativity come out of it, because you're like building something in your body like how cool is that? Yeah, if we can start to reverse how we see things and how we talk about babies and how they take away from us, to start to talk about how they add to us, I think more women would start to see a new light, would see something different and it's okay if you don't want to have kids absolutely 100 but at the same time, if we're choosing not to have kids just because of what society and social media has started to impress on us.

Speaker 2:

Because, you know, when I was in my early 30s, mid 30s, it was kind of society being like, well, number one, I didn't have a partner and so I was like I don't know if this is gonna happen for me and number two clock is ticking.

Speaker 1:

The clock is ticking but big four zero.

Speaker 2:

Your, your just doesn't fall out at four zero okay I have had. No, I have clients that I've had kids, like one of my clients. She's 44 and she just had a kid. Oh yeah, right, so anyhow, that's on a different tangent, um that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

These are the tangents that happen when we're in person together. We're not even looking at the camera. Why?

Speaker 2:

are we recording a video? We're just like in love with each other. Maybe the video won't happen. They're just gonna see her like little double chins as we turn sideways it was like that at boss.

Speaker 1:

Talk too, though, because, well as you know, geneve and I do our live podcasting events together. We've done two now, but we're just staring at each other is it like we're not even looking at the cameras.

Speaker 2:

I have to move my camera to a different angle this time yeah, we have to put it in between us, because that's's what we're looking at. It is, or even like looking over the camera. I know it's not good. So much love in our eyes.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I also wanted to share too, like how I met Geneva, because I met Geneva in the room that Speak Up is happening at, yeah, and even though I didn't directly meet you in that space, we met at that event. I remember seeing you there there, and then we connected on social media after and I just think it's like this cool full circle moment, like you had to be a part of it.

Speaker 2:

That's where we met yeah, in that room at that event.

Speaker 1:

We look longingly into each other's eyes. But like we met in this space, had that event not happened, had a personal development event like this not happened, we would have never connected, we would have never met and that's what I see happening for so many women in this room too. So can you tell everyone, like, why you love community so much, like I know that that is a big thing with what you do with the empower her series. Like, what is it with supporting women and community that you just have fallen in love with?

Speaker 2:

Um, well, honestly, I truly think that a lot of difference happens in our community when we empower women in particular. Um, absolutely 100%. Men too, but, um, there's just a little bit more effort that I feel needs to be had in the women's communities to move forward with that and kind of lift people up. But also, just as being an entrepreneur and I know this is an entrepreneurial podcast, it's a confidence, but an everything podcast, but as an entrepreneur, it's really lonely.

Speaker 2:

Being an entrepreneur is very lonely, it's isolating, you're by yourself, you're trying to stay motivated, you're trying to hustle, you're trying to get stuff done but it's really just you and self-motivation and to really push yourself to get into those rooms of other like-minded people and women and hear from those other people and watch those other people and see that you can be in their shoes at some point in your life, or that you're close to being in their shoes or you're really far away from it, but you can feel that for your future, in three to five years or whatever it is, it's really important to always surround yourself with people that are number one, smarter, more creative and further along than you. If we just surround ourselves with people that are at our level or less, which I mean whatever that may look like. It's going to keep us there, but we have to surround ourselves with the people that uplift us, otherwise we're going to stay exactly where we are. So that's where it came from me personally to stay motivated 100% yeah 100%.

Speaker 2:

Pollyanna agrees.

Speaker 1:

If you hear Polly, I was just going to be like we might have to pause this and I'll have to go chill her out. She's not used to being here, yeah she's like what is happening and why am I in this bedroom?

Speaker 2:

she's like don't look at her, don't acknowledge her, and I'm like okay, we're trying to teach her to be a good girl, okay so ignore her completely, freeze gray wall her, it's it was working for a while.

Speaker 1:

Look at her. She's like I have something to say, can you? Tell everyone um what you're most excited for when it comes to speak up uh, honestly, exactly what you were saying.

Speaker 2:

It's just like kind of being surrounded by your friends, right, um? I've spoken for a lot of you know organizations, lunches, you know all this kind of stuff before and you're kind of walking into a room and you're kind of that leader of that room. But I'm really excited to come into an event like yours and just have it, because it's going to be so laid back and bright and fun and you're surrounded by really cool women and um, and it's just going to be really dynamic and it's just, yeah, I'm just so excited for it because of the community of women and the vibe of you. Like any event that you're going to create is going to be chill, it's going to be fun, it's going to be, um, empowering, it's going to be happy, it's going to be all those things that I sometimes dread going to these other events for. Like it's the opposite of that always. So that's what I'm most excited for and um least excited to talk about me, because I think it's really just listening to everybody else.

Speaker 1:

That I'm you're not excited to speak on the stage.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can all right, yeah, she loves they could tell you make a baby.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I don't, haven't done that very often no you're a great speaker.

Speaker 2:

I have zero doubts in your capabilities so I just hired a full-time matchmaker and she says that I talk too fast. That's okay.

Speaker 1:

So do I.

Speaker 2:

It's like a Nova Scotia thing. I think we just talk really really fast.

Speaker 1:

You know how sometimes you can listen to like messages on like two speed, four speed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like people don't do that when I send a message.

Speaker 2:

No, they listen to it right on speed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't listen to this podcast on two-speed, okay.

Speaker 2:

But honestly, it's just any event that Jess puts together, all those listeners out there that are sitting on the fence on, if you want to go to this event. Any event Jess puts together is number one. How much are tickets? $2.99 for VIP, $1.99 for general admission. It's worth like $1,200. Like you know what I mean. Like that is basically a sale price. You guys Like come on, like don't even hesitate, you're going to get so much value from it. Like everything that you do. There's just so much more value, because there's a lot of places that you go to that they kind of just hit the mark. So, like $150, that's the value they're going to give you. But like you give a $1,200 value for $150 or whatever it is, you're so kind you weren't listening to.

Speaker 1:

No, that's one thing I've always loved about Janine. This is just a podcast of declaring I love you, but what I've always loved, though, is that you have been the hype girl from the beginning, where, when I didn't think I was good enough, or when I didn't have any belief in myself, and when I didn't you know see myself as anything, you always did, and that like blew my mind. I think there was one day we went to go have a cider and we were just chatting and you were just like helping me with so many things and giving me business advice and supporting me in a way that, you know, I had never really experienced in a lot of places, especially from a place that I didn't hire you for. You were just a friend, and you were so like genuinely caring about it, and that was like for me. I was like, oh, like Geneva thinks I'm cool, like, wow, I think she's cool, like how cool is this?

Speaker 2:

So it was like one of those moments of realizing like this was the start of a really beautiful friendship, but I was just so like like I just wanted friends that did business too right and our friends that were doing something cool did business big too. Did business big. So like I was just as if the reason I was bringing that energy is because you were bringing that energy and we just like leave anything, we go to just vibrating like I'm gonna drive away from here today, and we were like I know, I just gotta go sit at a coffee shop and do a ton of work, because that's right, all out yeah, that's why we do events together, because, like, it's just the energy about it has just always been so good.

Speaker 1:

And someone suggested, when I had said I wanted to do a live podcasting event, someone suggested you and I was like she's never gonna want to do this with me, she's too big, she's too, she's got too much on her plate. No, and I think at that point you were also pregnant and then I brought it to you and you were like, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 2:

And I was like wait what you want to do this? And I'm like here's where we're going, here's the venue options, here's the pricing, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

and so it's just been a beautiful like like yeah, community connection ever since. So do you know what you're talking about at the event?

Speaker 2:

um, I have a kind of not, I'm gonna wing it. Are you gonna wing it? I think I'm gonna win it because, honestly, at first I thought I thought maybe I would do something around like talking to the single gals in the audience, and there'll probably be aspects of that. But it could also be the transformation of what I went through this year having a baby and kind of continuing with what I'm doing and staying confident, staying motivated, not losing myself to being a mom. I always kept my identity. Well, the first two months were a little shady, but I always kept my identity while becoming a mom, because I always heard that you kind of lose yourself into that. I don't know what I'm going to do. I think it's going to be really what impacts me, maybe that month of as something to talk about and then just whip it out, whip it, whip it right out, whip out that script, whip out that.

Speaker 2:

You know I might just do point form and just chitter, chatter away. I just yeah, it's really whatever kind of will resonate closer to I think that's.

Speaker 1:

That's the same way that I like to speak. Like again, we're recording this. The event is what? Seven months away, yeah, at this point yeah, so like how do we even know what's gonna happen in seven months? We don't, and so I knew, when I asked, that you'd be like, okay, jess, f off.

Speaker 2:

But, like you know, we don't know what's gonna come up and I just, yeah, I'm really, I'm really excited and I've never wanted to have just like a script that is kind of had like said, every single time I only has to really relate to where I'm at at that point yep, um, and maybe even the energy of the room and who's there yeah, and you'll meet them the night before, which I love too, because we're doing the vip night the night before the event on the boat, not on the boat, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we're doing cocktail cruise evening, sunset cruise the night before, because I thought it'd be really special for people to meet not only the speakers but to meet each other before the event. So you're going to the event with friends, you're going to the event knowing people and you're like, hey, oh, I met you last night. Can I sit with you? Because there's nothing scarier sometimes than going to these events by yourself. So come to the VIP night, meet the speakers, meet the other people and make some friends before the event even happens.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, the event even happens, absolutely. I remember I went to the rise up, shine bright. There was a vip and I didn't. I didn't invest, I should have 100, because the vip stuff is always like no worth it.

Speaker 1:

The reason I didn't for that one too, is because it was all in one night and for me, I know how much energy I have and that's why I broke it up for this too. I only have so much, like if we were to go all day and some of us are gonna be crying, okay, some of us are gonna have some tears and then then have to also party in the evening. I normally do for a lot of events. I just for that, that was my first ever like event of that kind, yeah, and I was like it's gonna be too much, yeah. So that's why I've broken it up over two days for this one, so, like you have a little bit energy to recharge. Yeah, mostly for myself.

Speaker 2:

Guys, I need a little energy to recharge in order to dance my butt off on that stage but I should have, because when I arrived I just kind of sat at a random table and there was just like it's almost like a, it's like the foreplay before you know like you gotta have a little bit of foreplay.

Speaker 2:

You gotta feel it out, you gotta feel how you're feeling and then when you actually go for the event, you're sitting at the table that you want to be sitting at. You know you're kind of like already vibing. You're warmed up. The oven's warmed up, if you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it it's funny because I'm the opposite. I'm the person who like trust that I'm sitting where I'm meant to sit, and so I just like I say a little prayer before I go in. It's especially if I'm by myself. I'm just like who I am meant to sit beside is the person that you know. God wanted me to sit beside, so I'm just gonna go in. I hope they're cool, but I know that where I'm sitting is like where I'm supposed to be, and so I try to lean into that energy. But I don't love going to these things alone. So if you're listening to this and you're like I'm coming alone, get your vip ticket. Yeah, um, connect, because we also have a facebook group for you to come in and meet the people before even the vip night. So if you need roommates or anything like that, you're going to be able to meet the people in this Facebook group before the event.

Speaker 2:

But also just put yourself out there because it's, and as a speaker I even want to be there at the very beginning too, to just kind of like connect with the people there. Who knows, maybe I'll be up till midnight writing a different talk.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you will be. I have gone to events that people have done that. They're like I wrote this speech last night because Change everything so you never know Because of the connections I met that evening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and then yeah, who knows where the connections are going to take you 100%.

Speaker 1:

They could take you to a business partnership where we do fun events together. Yeah, and now speak at each other's events and on their stages.

Speaker 2:

You know what? I do not drive 30 minutes to just anybody's house, okay, actually.

Speaker 1:

I haven't done that yet this year.

Speaker 2:

You came all the way out here, but, oh my gosh, outside of family. That's all I do that for you hear that guys, me and family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. Okay, I have in the dickies family. I have a fun question for you. Okay, to wrap things up, let's do it. The question is let's say crayola came out with a new addition to their crayon box. What color would you be in rye?

Speaker 2:

yeah, okay, yeah, why no, it's my fave, it's my favorite color.

Speaker 1:

Geneva's car is actually bright turquoise.

Speaker 2:

It's bright turquoise yeah, um, I don't know what it is about the blue. Oh, han also used to lecture me because when I, before I moved in with him, I was in this tiny little hob like the size of your living room with a bathroom attached, is basically what I was living in and everything was turquoise. And he walks in and never first of all he's like, is there an upstairs? I'm like no, um, my Colt, my, my, my my nephew did the same thing. He walks in. He's like this is nice, where's the upstairs? And then my sister-in-law was like we'd like to take them to like not rich people's houses, so that they know that not everybody lives in, like a three story. And I'm like, shut up, julie.

Speaker 1:

But anyhow I love her.

Speaker 2:

I'm just kidding, but everything was turquoise and he's like it looks like a 12 year old apartment and I'm like it's my happy space, it's where I shower, it's where I keep my clothes and and then I go to the office all day, so like it's just my happy place. Don't judge me, but he didn't allow any turquoise into the new house. Well, I, have a dresser and oh, the baby's crib is turquoise.

Speaker 1:

Oh, isn't that sweet of him, that is really nice yeah, so her little. Isn't that sweet of him. He let me have this one thing he let me have a turquoise crib, my happy color but, I, did.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's my um color. I'm trying to do a color analysis.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's my color. I know we were talking about the color analysis too. It's like I'm afraid to do it because I'm afraid all my clothes won't be my color well, yeah, that's a thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we should do it. What color would you?

Speaker 1:

be what color would I be? Hot pink, maybe hot pink, maybe hot pink. Um, I also feel like a nice light rose. Maybe, I don't know, I could be any like. You know that song, like I could be red, I could be yellow, I could be blue, I could be purple, I think I could be all of them I don't know that song.

Speaker 2:

I'm like no idea what song that is. Oh, okay, well.

Speaker 2:

I think I could be all of them but no, I am so excited, for I'm so excited, I am so flippin excited and I really appreciate you inviting me because, yeah, and just kind of trusting me in that space, which you're so proud of all the events you do and you should be, because you do really, really hard work, and thank you for trusting me with that and for me to say I don't know what I'm speaking on. You're like yeah, you go girl that doesn't.

Speaker 1:

That wouldn't bother me at all, because I'm like yeah, that's 100 how I do it. Yeah, okay, that's like cool, I do trust. That is a trust. Fall right there. I'm picking the people that I trust on this stage 100. I've gotten a lot of messages from people who are like hey, oh, are you looking for speakers?

Speaker 2:

and it's like I don't know you really did vibe check. I am a hundred percent checked very, very strategically picking these people yeah, you vibe checked big time, because I remember I was like how about this person? How about this person? You're like no they don't? They don't pass the vibe. Check, you guys.

Speaker 1:

No but you gotta be that way, yeah I love it yeah well, thank you for being a part of this, for coming all the way out to my house and for recording this with me in person. See you May, not May, we are. We are talking about October. See you October 5th and 6th in Halifax, nova Scotia. What's up, sis? I am so glad we could hang out today. If you love this episode, send it to a friend or share it on your social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me sprinkle some confidence in the world. And don't forget you are magic. Let's show the world your shine.

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