Self(ish) Confidence

Speak Up! Speaker Series w/ Gina Keeping

May 02, 2024 Jess Clerke Episode 227
Speak Up! Speaker Series w/ Gina Keeping
Self(ish) Confidence
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Self(ish) Confidence
Speak Up! Speaker Series w/ Gina Keeping
May 02, 2024 Episode 227
Jess Clerke

It's finally time...the first Keynote Speaker for Speak Up! is...


Ever felt the magnetic pull of kindred spirits, the kind that fuels your growth and fans the flames of your wildest dreams? That's the essence of my chat with Gina Keeping, former teacher turned business and mindset mentor, whose journey epitomizes the power of women stepping boldly into their entrepreneurial magic. Our conversation is a heartfelt stroll through the memories of our friendship's blossom, highlighting the incredible potency found in bonds forged from mutual ambition and passion. Gina's story isn't just inspiring—it's a testament to the strength that comes from a community that rallies around your vision.

Picture yourself walking into a room filled with energy so welcoming it feels like coming home—this episode is the audio equivalent. As we reminisce about personal development events that have reshaped our lives, the takeaway is clear: saying yes to growth and embracing the spaces that challenge us can lead to life-altering connections. It's not about going it alone; it's about the beauty of the community you'll find along the way. This episode is your invitation to find that community, to embrace the courage within and connect with those who will celebrate and elevate your journey.

Ready to grab your ticket? Check it all out here.

Connect with Gina on her website + Instagram. 

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

It's finally time...the first Keynote Speaker for Speak Up! is...


Ever felt the magnetic pull of kindred spirits, the kind that fuels your growth and fans the flames of your wildest dreams? That's the essence of my chat with Gina Keeping, former teacher turned business and mindset mentor, whose journey epitomizes the power of women stepping boldly into their entrepreneurial magic. Our conversation is a heartfelt stroll through the memories of our friendship's blossom, highlighting the incredible potency found in bonds forged from mutual ambition and passion. Gina's story isn't just inspiring—it's a testament to the strength that comes from a community that rallies around your vision.

Picture yourself walking into a room filled with energy so welcoming it feels like coming home—this episode is the audio equivalent. As we reminisce about personal development events that have reshaped our lives, the takeaway is clear: saying yes to growth and embracing the spaces that challenge us can lead to life-altering connections. It's not about going it alone; it's about the beauty of the community you'll find along the way. This episode is your invitation to find that community, to embrace the courage within and connect with those who will celebrate and elevate your journey.

Ready to grab your ticket? Check it all out here.

Connect with Gina on her website + Instagram. 

Thank you for listening to Self(ish) Confidence! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend or on your social media and tag me @jess.clerke so I can personally thank you for helping spread some confidence + love!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Selfish Confidence, a place where we can connect and be real about how hard it is to be your damn self. My name is Jess and my goal is to help you build confidence and belief in yourself to live any life path you want, even if it's unconventional. It's time to flip off societal pressures and connect with women who've also felt on the outside by their life choices. We're here to encourage you to grab the mic and speak your truth. I know it can be scary, but we're in this together. Let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Selfish Confidence Podcast. It's Jess here, and today is the first episode of our Speak Up Speaker Series, which is really cool. I feel like I know a secret that you guys don't know yet, and that's really fun for me Really fun, and also not so fun for the person who's sitting in front of me, who has been waiting for me to announce this for probably like six months or more. It's been a really long time and she's just sitting there patiently looking at me, ready to say her name, and I'm just so excited for our very first speaker announcement for Speak Up happening October 5th and 6th in Halifax, nova Scotia. It is my very good friend, gina Keeping what's up girl, oh my God, finally the news is out. I feel like it's like weekly. You message me and you're like, so can I tell something?

Speaker 2:

out yet Am I allowed to tell people?

Speaker 1:

But I didn't you didn't and bursting at the seams. I know I told her she could. It wasn't like a huge secret. She could tell people.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted you to say it. I know it's your beautiful event.

Speaker 1:

I know it's going to be so exciting. So like can you tell us my friend Gina? Can you tell us about you, who you are, what's up, what do you do? All of the things?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. My name is Gina keeping and I live in St John's, Newfoundland. I'm a Newfoundlander Um. I was a teacher for 15 years and recently within the last. Well, on paper it says it's right in front of me August the 1st, 2022 is officially when I left teaching and went all in on my business. I'm a certified Tony Robbins life coach, but on paper the hat that I wear is I'm a business and mindset mentor and I really help women create aligned and freedom focused businesses so they can live the life that they want, have fun and also make the income and impact that they desire. So that has been my passion for the last several years, since COVID. Really. That's when this really blossomed into something that I had no idea I even wanted, if that makes sense. So I guess, in a nutshell, that's who I am. I'm also a fur mom. I'm a grandmother I know that sounds crazy, because I'm only 41. I have an amazing daughter. I love nature, I love sports and I love chatting with you, so I'm so happy to be here.

Speaker 1:

We could have hit record like an hour and a half ago when we started this conversation, but we were just too busy getting caught up on life and sharing all the goodness, and that is truly the energy that I want to bring to speak up. It's like this just awesome group of friendships that that I already have. Every person who speak on the stage is a very good friend of mine and I just feel like that is the best energy. So the energy of, if you, if you like hanging out with your girlfriends, sipping whatever you feel like sipping right now for me it's some fruit punch If you just love a Friday afternoon chat with your girlfriends, that's the energy, because we just spent an hour and a half hanging out on Zoom.

Speaker 2:

And it's so good because you need those people in your life who you can have those conversations with. I feel for such a long time I didn't have those people in my life who would normalize my dreams and my goals and be able to understand all these crazy things on my heart, and I love that you're creating this space to have those conversations because it's so needed and, as we both know through our own experience, your environment is your fastest way to change, to grow, to transform, and what you're creating, jess, is absolutely beautiful and I am just so freaking proud of you, watching you grow over those last few years. I can't believe we've only known each other two years, like it just blows my mind. So you know, I know you wanted to talk to me and I was supposed to do the talking, but I have the mic now and I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you and watching you grow and do the work that you do. You're amazing.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you so much. What's really cool and I'm going to tell you a little bit on why I chose Gina. Again, I've handpicked every speaker coming on the stage. I'm very strategic in who's coming. Not anybody gets to just step on the stage. It's very important to me that it's the right people, and Gina was one of the first people I messaged. I was like hey, girl, we're doing this event, this is the date you want to be a part of it? And, hands down, she was like let's go. But I met Gina at her event, which is Shift You've probably heard me talk about it on this podcast before in St John's, newfoundland, in June, I think, of 2022. And that was the first time I ever met her.

Speaker 1:

I went to that event knowing nobody really there, especially not knowing who the speakers were. Who was? People would walk up to me and be like who are you here for, gina or Emily, like we were at a wedding and I was like I don't know who either of these people are and we walked away. You invited me to come on your podcast and then I invited you to come on my podcast and through those interactions we created like a beautiful friendship. There's a few things that popped up and you're like these coincidences can't be just a coincidence. It was so weird to see the synchronicities in our life and where we were and what we were doing that we just started to develop this beautiful friendship.

Speaker 1:

And then I hired Gina as my business coach to help me to create some things that are now full of life and have been for a while now, which has been really cool, and it's just been this beautiful collaboration of friendship and mentorship over the years that I just couldn't be more grateful to have.

Speaker 1:

I needed examples of people in my life who stretched me but also who believed in me, and Gina put that belief in me and I knew, hands down, there was no one else I wanted to be a part of this with than her, so she was the first person I asked, first person to get announced, and I just think it's so cool that I only met you two years ago at your event and how impactful an event can like be on your life.

Speaker 1:

Something so simple as going and choosing to go to what event changed everything for me and I wouldn't know you had you not created an event like this. So I'm just so grateful one that you said yes. And two, that you're going to be bringing your beautiful energy to this. And two, that you're going to be bringing your beautiful energy to this, like Gina has such a beautiful, warm, loving light energy to her and you are just going to love getting a hug from her and meeting her at this event. Like, if you're listening to this and you're like I don't know if I want to go or not, this is just the first speaker that's being announced. That's all you need. That's all you need.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, I am a hugger and I will hug you. Yes, but I still remember the moment when we did our and I won't say what it is, but we did our last activity and you were walking towards me and I hugged you and I remember you telling me, after I said something in your ear. Can you remember that?

Speaker 1:

At the first event.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know, maybe tell me.

Speaker 2:

I said something along the lines of like I'm in your life now, like you can't get rid of me and I'm going to be here cheering you on every step of the way. And I remember you hugged me and after we were chatting, before you came on my podcast, and you were like I didn't believe it, gina, like I literally like the event was great, I had this awesome time, but I thought I'd just leave and be done. You know what I mean and I look back at that moment and how close we've gotten and how we've seen each other through some really challenging times. And it's just so powerful. What can happen when you say yes to yourself and you put yourself in these rooms and you can't really even describe what can happen. And I think a lot of times people don't think they have power to change their life. And I know that sounds like a big, lofty like thing, but it's so true. You never know who you're going to meet, you never know what advice you're going to hear or that gold nugget or that connection, and if you feel the pull, it might not make sense, but pull the trigger and just go. And I remember my very first event, which was a Tony Robbins event. It didn't make any sense to me at the time and I went and it completely changed my life and I wouldn't be where I am today without that.

Speaker 2:

So the power of these rooms and getting uncomfortable and getting around people that feel like hugs, like Jess, you are such a bright light in my life and I'm so grateful for you. I promise you that the women that Jess is bringing together are and I don't even know everybody that's going to be on the stage, but I know you're going to bring together the most amazing people. And what I love about you is you're not jeopardizing anything for the quality of people who you want there. You're not picking people to be on the stage who you think would be a hit. You're really picking people with genuine hearts and who love you and who have this energy and this mission to help people. So if you're on the fence, I know it's scary, but trust me when I say you're not gonna be alone. Walk in that room and look for me. I will give you the hug.

Speaker 2:

I promise you you won't be alone and it's going to be the best thing that you do for yourself this year. I promise you that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and I remember walking down. We won't give any details. I remember going to your event and that moment that happened, where I did see you two at the end, and that was interesting because I didn't know either of you. So, even though the day was really beautiful and I didn't know either of you personally and it didn't have that like for some people, like seeing you and hugging you was like the greatest part of their day and at that point for me it wasn't, because I was like this has been a beautiful day but I didn't know you.

Speaker 1:

It was different because Gina has done this twice already and before Speak Up, she'll be doing this three times. So seeing you at the second one hit very different. It was a very different experience because I knew you so well and knew you so intimately than the first one. Like, and I think that that's so cool about these events too wherever you are in your life, regardless of if you know me or Gina, probably if you're listening to this podcast, you know either one of us, but if you know no one or anything, nothing, you're just like okay, this is weird, you can still have such a beautiful and impactful day Cause I left your event and bought my ticket for the next one, Like I didn't have to know you, to know that you were making a difference and that it was a really, really special experience.

Speaker 2:

So I'm so happy to hear that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's exciting news. We'll just have like that's, I feel like the speaker series, cause I've recorded a couple of the episodes already. They're all just like really gushy episodes of me telling people why I love them and them telling me why they love me, and then it's just like that's the energy that we're bringing to the event Women empowering women, like it's literally like a speaker day of my best friends, and I think that that's the reason.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to just say one thing, because I know a barrier of people getting in these rooms is that they don't feel like they can go alone and after running, my own events.

Speaker 2:

I have never had somebody who came alone regret that they went. It's the opposite. I am so glad that I went by myself, that I took that plunge, because who you meet at the room are really good quality people, right? You're not going to a place where people are going to reject you, but who you become in the process of getting uncomfortable. It just that's part of the process. So if you don't have anybody to come to the event with, don't let that be a barrier, because you're not going to be the only one.

Speaker 1:

I actually love going to events alone, and I don't it's not that I love it Cause I don't who I don't know. I actually do love being alone, but I love going because it forces me to have conversations, to meet people in the bathroom lineups, to meet people at lunch, because when I'm with my click, when I'm with my squad, I don't have to do that. I have my security blanket of people around me all the time. And so, going alone, I have to talk to people, because if not, then you're alone all day, and I do find that there's a different experience going to these events by myself. I couldn't agree more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this year we're doing the VIP. Well, this year it's the first one. This year we're doing the VIP night the night before, which is really cool because I thought it would help for people to meet before the event so you'll be able to come together, make your best friend that you could sit with the next day. So when you walk into the room, you're like oh, what up, sarah, I see you, girl, you want to sit by me, and like I think that that has a really nice energy to it too. So, even if you're coming alone, come to the VIP night cause you won't be going to the event alone at all. You'll be meeting Gina, you'll be meeting me, you'll be meeting a hundred other incredible women on that VIP boat cruise.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I can't wait for that. I'm so pumped.

Speaker 1:

I guess that leads us into the next question, like what are you looking forward to most when it comes to speak up?

Speaker 2:

Um, this might not be the answer that you're expecting. I don't care. Um, I gotta be honest, I'm getting emotional even thinking about this. This. I can't wait to see you shine, get out of here. I am really so proud of you and I just can't wait to see you on that stage and make the impact that you're meant to make in this world.

Speaker 2:

Um, I literally that is my number one, and I wouldn't miss this event for the world. So my number one is just to see you work your magic and to make the impact. Second thing is to meet more incredible women, and I know the people who are coming to this event are going to be just the people that you want to spend that time with. So I can't wait to see who I meet. I can't wait to be in the room with the most amazing women, who have big goals, who want to do scary things, who are going to hold you to that standard that sometimes we can't hold for ourselves. So I just can't wait to be in the room. I just love being in the room with powerful women and, yeah, I think that's what I'm most looking forward to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, the women coming are really freaking cool. Every time I see someone get their ticket, I do this like little dance. I'm sure you can relate to that where you're just like, oh my gosh, this person's coming, like they are so cool. And then, like someone else gets your ticket, you're like, oh my gosh, this person's coming, like they are so cool, and it just keeps happening over and over and over again. Where you're're just like so many cool people are gonna be in this room, yourself included. Gina.

Speaker 2:

Also you listening, yourself included like don't think that it's, you're not cool enough to be there I'm gonna say that I was gonna say, if you're wondering if you're cool, yes, you're cool, you are.

Speaker 1:

If you are thinking I wonder if I'm cool, the answer is yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're cool and if you need to be reminded that you're cool, get yourself in there, we'll need to be there.

Speaker 1:

I know I love it. Do you know? Do you have any idea, even though the event is six months from when this is gonna launch? Like, do you have any idea what you'll be sharing, what you'll be, you know, teaching us on that day?

Speaker 2:

um, I will probably get clear as we get closer because, as you say, it is six months out. Um, I will be sharing a little a little bit about my story. Um, but as we get closer and as I kind of tune into who's going to be there and after talking to you, I'm sure we'll figure out the message that needs to be heard. And oftentimes, when I'm planning for these things, I have the idea. But once you get there and you feel the energy of the room and you see what people need, sometimes it changes. Like sometimes I get on a stage and I don't even know what I say. When I'm done I'm like what was?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh shit, I hope I didn't take that. Oh, I black out, like every time, so yeah, and then people say, oh, I love that thing that you said. I'm like, oh great, I can't remember that thing but excellent.

Speaker 1:

That's great advice Me Are you sure Are you sure it wasn't another speaker?

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so I'm sure we'll. We'll figure that out as we get closer, but I will. Chances are it will be something around confidence and overcoming your fears and just going after the scary thing, and one of my models in my coaching is like burn the rule book right, so encouraging people to live their life and, if they're business owners, to grow their business in a way that feels good. I hate cookie cutter. I hate when people dull who they are because it's what they should do. So chances are a medley of all of that.

Speaker 1:

I'm already so excited.

Speaker 2:

So excited. I'll have to re-listen to the episode to see what I said.

Speaker 1:

What did I say I was going to talk about? No, you'll just follow your heart and it's going to be so freaking good. I just have another question for you. I actually have two more questions for you. So why is community and supporting women so important to you?

Speaker 2:

Why is community and supporting women so important to you? Ooh, okay, growing up I was a tomboy and I never really had A lot of female support. I don't feel, and I'm really blessed to have a lot of really good friends I want to make sure that's clear but I noticed that there were a lot of women who, anytime they would try to do things on their heart, they were not celebrated. And I really want to change the dialogue of what it means to support other women and really change how we support one another. I really, really, really want to be part of the conversation of lifting other women up and helping other women be the best that they can be and recognize that and not this cliche statement on one person's success has nothing to do with another person's success, right, and I always want to be known as that woman who brings other women to the table. That's really, really important to me.

Speaker 2:

I also know that your community is such a pivotal part of your growth and creating that in my own way and being part of it is always so important in how you enjoy the journey. Right, who you have around you, who you have pouring belief in you. I just think that is such a big piece of you know, air quote success that we often don't talk enough about. We've been taught as women to do things on our own, to self-sacrifice, and I really want to change that conversation.

Speaker 2:

And I love when I see women supporting other women like it. It really lights me up and I think that the more we do that, the more power we have to change the world, and I'm all for that. So, community encouraging other women I think we're so freaking powerful we don't even realize how powerful we are, and when we band together, we're even more stronger. So I just want to be a part of that conversation. I don't want to be part of the women who are sitting at tables talking about people. That just doesn't appeal to me. And the more that I can celebrate other women, I'm all for it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm with you and I think society needs us to band together, now more than ever, as things are changing, as things are going in some different directions in the world, like women need to band together. That's actually what's like really shaking a lot of men right now is like they're actually scared that we're having these conversations, that we're coming into rooms like this, that we're being a part of this, like this, that we're being a part of this, and I'm like, yeah, I'm all for it. Like let's freaking go.

Speaker 2:

Like let's say it louder Speak up, girl, because like we have to right.

Speaker 1:

And so I think I'm right there with you More celebration, less gossip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and for so long I think we've been pinned against each other without even really realizing it and it just became the norm. So it's all about those like unconscious awakening of being like okay, no, we don't have to believe that we get to choose how we show up for one another and I'm really becoming more choosy and who I spend my time with, and I only want to spend time with people who elevate me and who are kind hearted and who want other women to succeed, because I think we need each other to like, we really need each other, and when one woman succeeds, another can um, and having that mentality and changing it is. You know I'm I'm definitely an active participant in that dialogue.

Speaker 1:

Well, I watched you have a successful event and stand on a stage and do your thing, and here I am now, two years later, doing it too. So it really truly is is when you step into that uncomfortable situation, you do something big. It does inspire, it trickles in. People are going to start to believe that they can do it too, if you do it, even if it's freaking scary. So thank you for leading by example and for doing this. You have something really exciting coming up next week too. Do you want to share a little bit about what's coming up around the corner for you?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for asking me this question. So in my personal business, I am reopening doors to my expansion formula, which is my signature program for business owners who want to create an aligned and freedom focused business without sacrificing income and impact, kind of just how I opened up with my intro. I have this huge passion of helping female entrepreneurs living out the life that they want and creating a simple business that matches their definition of success. So I was filling Jess in on all of the details of the program and we start May 9th. It is literally the place that you want to be If you're looking to have community, if you're looking to have simple systems. We work on mindset, we work on identity and it really is the place to be if you want to grow and scale a business in a way that feels good and freedom focused. And yeah, so we start May the 9th.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally pouring everything into this course. I'm sharing everything and the price is actually silly, but I have a mission to change the coaching industry and what it means for people to be able to have this long-term mentorship. Because, while I love containers and I think there's definitely a you know a purpose to them you can't really grow and scale a business in three months. It's a long-term game and I really want to support my clients in this beautiful container. So if you want to check it out, I'll send Jess the link, and right now we have a crazy deal on with some amazing bonuses, so I'd love to see you there if you're an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'll put all the information in the show notes for you to be able to check out the expansion formula. I will be in there, so it'll be awesome to be able to connect and to take things further and to really harness some of this awesome information before speak up, which is going to be so cool.

Speaker 2:

I cannot wait to have you in there.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited so I have a fun question. You feel you feeling fun today?

Speaker 2:

Do you know me?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Crayola comes out with this new box of crayons. Okay, and you're gonna be the new addition to this crayon box, the new color. What color is it gonna be? Like who, who's gina in a color crayon and like why I am a blue 100.

Speaker 2:

what kind of blue? Well, it's so funny, before you even had the question out, I kind of pictured like a tealy icy blue like me, almost like the color of my eyes, maybe actually, because I don't think there's really a icy blue. Blue has always been my color. It could be because my eyes are blue and people always used to say, oh, blue looks good on me. But recently I did a workshop and I had somebody write me and go Did you know that blue, the color blue? When you wear it it infuses trust and calm and I was like interesting, that is. A really core value of mine is trust and authenticity. So I think I'd be that color and I'd be that color because I'm cool and I love the ocean. Be that color because I'm cool and I love the ocean. Yeah, you are, yeah, cool. I'm not really that cool guys.

Speaker 1:

Um, she's a grandma, she's a cool, she's a cool grandma.

Speaker 2:

I was a grandma, before I was a grandma. But yeah, just because I think I and I like that calm piece and I can be fiery at the same time like the ocean, so I could keep going on that one, but I think that's the cold notes. Okay, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it thanks so much for sharing with us and for finally you know being patient with me to get the secret out. This is, this is now the time, so I cannot wait to see you October 5th and 6th in Halifax, nova Scotia, at Speak Up, baby Amazing.

Speaker 2:

See you there. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

It's actually happening. The first speaker of the Speak Up speaker series is announced. It's Gina Keeping, as you know, if you obviously just listened to the most recent episode. But I wanted to wrap it up really quickly with a bit more information on tickets for my sisters, who need all of the details, who want all of the information before we go so that they can feel confident making this decision to get your ticket and to be at this incredible event. So, first things first. We have two different ticket types that you can get. You can either get your VIP ticket or your general admission ticket. Your VIP ticket is $2.99 Canadian and it includes a very special VIP night the night before Speak Up. So we are doing a VIP cocktail cruise. It will have a beautiful setting, a sunset cruise from 5 to 7, so that you can meet the speakers and the other VIPs before the event even starts, because that's going to give you this beautiful opportunity to connect with people, to really get to know people, especially for those coming alone. If you're like I don't know anyone, this is the best way to do it, because you are going to make friends before we even go to the event. You're going to have people to sit with. You'll also get, you know, front row seats to the event, elevated swag bags and really just the opportunity to immerse yourself in the weekend even more.

Speaker 1:

So, this event is on October 5th and it is just in the evening on that Saturday evening before the event happens on October 6th. So when I say October 5th and 6th, october 5th is only for the VIPs, just so you know. And maybe you're thinking you know what. I actually don't need the VIP. I'm going to be coming with a group of friends. I just want the general admission ticket. It's $1.99. This ticket includes your lunch for the day. It includes all of the speakers. It includes the full day event that will be happening from about 10 am to 5 pm, filled with speakers and amazing events throughout the whole sprinkle of Speak Up. So it'll also include a swag bag. It'll also include your lunch. It'll have all the pieces that you need. The VIP just has that elevated aspect of the extra VIP night elevated swag bags and primary seating in the front row there. So if that's your jam, check out the VIP.

Speaker 1:

I'll put all the information for you in the show notes here too. But I'm just getting more and more excited as every single speaker gets announced and as this episode comes out, I'm recording this from the Sisterhood Retreat down in Barbados, and we are just all buzzing so excited for this event that's going to be coming up in the fall on October 5th and 6th in Halifax, nova Scotia. If you have any more questions or you're just like, okay, I really want to know what things are going to be laid out, or is this for me? Send me a message, send me a DM, send me an email and connect with me, because I'm happy to help you to feel more confident to make this step to be there. We also have discounted hotel room rates at the Westin Nova Scotian and I can give you all the information for that too.

Speaker 1:

But until then, just you wait, because next week we are going to have another speaker announced and it is just going to blow your mind. I'm just so excited for this series all month long and I can't wait to share every little bit of the juice with you. What's up, sis? I am so glad we could hang out today. If you love this episode, send it to a friend or share it on your social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me sprinkle some confidence in the world and don't forget you are magic. Let's show the world your shine.

Empowerment Through Friendship and Connection
Women Empowerment Event and Friendship
Empowering Women Through Community and Business
Sisterhood Retreat Excitement and Announcement